Sunday, April 7, 2013

One Perfect Day

Thursday brought a visit with the  children members of our church sponsor through Compassion International.   For me, that meant a visit with Ysela. 

This may be the last time I see her face-to-face.  She has grown into such a beautiful young woman. She graduates at the end of the school year (December in Peru).  From there, she wishes to continue on to university to become a doctor.

She blessed me. She blessed my son. Her mother blessed us too. We sat on the grass in the little bit of shade. We followed that little bit of shade for an hour as we talked about our lives.  We took a simple walk on the beach talking about our favorite foods.  We ran, barefoot across the hottest sand ever... just to cool our toes sitting on the edge of the pool.  Jonathan and Ysela talked to each other in Spanish while waiting for the translator to return.  We shared chicken and rice and potatoes (a staple meal in Peru). We exchanged gifts. Then, all too soon, our time was over.

It was a perfect day at the beach.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Walk in the Park

Wednesday was fun day at the park for the kids at Esperanza de Ana. It was a reward for good behavior. Before we left, though, the kids came to greet us. It was the very first time I met Naomi, the child I sponsor here, face to face. I was so very nervous and anxious. As the kids came to greet us they walked down the sidewalk carrying homemade paper flowers and singing... and my tears started.

Naomi was introduced to me and gave me a hug. She stuck by me the rest of the day.  We took a boat ride and saw monkeys up close. We swam in a pool. We had a picnic lunch. We played on the playground, even sitting down to play a little chess.  These moments are so very precious.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Stand in Awe and Be Amazed

We debrief every night and are asked to find one word to describe our day. Monday evening,  my favorite word was "speechless."  There is absolutely no way there are enough words in any language for me to describe Monday.

I said last night I was "overwhelmed" and I mean that in a very, very good way.  God's awesome power is evident  in the detail of fleeting images... a puzzle only He could put together to show a team of people way, way out of their comfort zone what to do.  God's amazing love was present in the joy of skipping rope and coloring and playing with stickers and blowing bubbles and showing a young kid what a guitar pick does.

God was present in the simple joy of being mobbed by kids because you have a camera, because you have glitter on your fingernails, because you cam jump up and turn around while skipping rope, because you just hold them, because you are there... if only for a brief moment. 

It's easy to fall in love with the people here, so easy.  They capture your heart and invade your mind.  It does not matter if we cannot speak the same language. Actions speak louder than words.  These people, these amazing, awesome, warm people ministered to me, to my soul. God is good like that.  I cannot possibly imagine a way to describe how awesome, amazing, stunning, joyous, glorious, powerful and good God is in this moment and in all moments... no matter if we experience the highest of highs or the lowest of lows.  No matter what.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sunday Morning

We worshipped this morning at a church in Lima.  It was the first service I've attended in Peru where the service wasn't modified for the American missionaries visiting.  Instead, we had headphones and a translator trying to keep up with the pastor. The worship was in Spanish, the message was in Spanish,  the meaning, though, was universal. 

Jesus died for us and because of that sacrifice, we have eternal life.  I am just awed by this.  It does not matter what my sin is, what my political affiliation is, what the color of my skin is nor what language I speak. Jesus died for me.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Patience is a Virtue...

My flight started out like any other... except I was in the back row, giving me a little more leg room. A young girl sat beside me and for the first third of the trip she spoke little to me.  When she did it was to ask me how I adjusted the air. 

After dinner, somewhere over the Dominican Republic,  she got sick.  I won't go into details... let's just say I am very glad I had packed an extra shirt in my carry on.  I was also moved to an empty seat.  The flight attendants were very gracious and helped me every step of the near-hour long clean up and move process.

What does this have to do with patience?  Well, I wish I were patient... but as time wore on, I just wanted to get settled.  My patience had worn thin.  I was tired  and cranky.  I must work on this virtue of patience because I was in very short supply.

Still, as we got off the plane much of the flight seemed to fade away. I did see the young girl one more time coming out of customs.  She was still not feeling well. I pray she feels better. I hope the only thing she saw from me was compassion... and not my lack of patience.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Peru Bound

We're boarding our flight to Lima now and the nerves are definitely kicking in... not about the flight, but about the unkown.  I know, though, God has it all in control.  I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

I'll post again when we find free wifi... it may not be until Tuesday evening or so.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

That I May Serve

1 John 3:18 NIV says "dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."  I love this passage because God addresses all of us as His children. He tells us to serve others, do not just pay lip service, get out and do something.  I have tried to instill that in my son.  But, in truth, he has shown me that example.  He has a true servant's heart.   A while back I shared on my Facebook page a conversation he and I had on service... I asked him why he served so much and his answer was my question should be why doesn't he serve more?

I already know I am overjoyed to be able to share this trip with my son. I have been itching to show him the country I fell in love with on my first trip in 2005. I want to show him the beauty of her people. I want him to see that beauty even through the hardships her people face. But, mostly,I just want to see him in action. He is, and always has been, a shining example to me of community service.  I do not know what I will see. What I do know is that he never ceases to amaze me with the service he renders.